I'm Taru Salovaara, a 32-year-old nurse and practical nurse from Espoo. Lately I have worked in a trade union as a spokesperson and journalist, but I have spent my career almost exclusively in various social and health service units. I have worked in nursing homes, home care, home hospital and as a personal assistant. In my spare time, I am active in organizations and associations. Making a difference is a matter of my heart and a passion for me.
I originally founded the site for my municipal election campaign. In the municipal elections, I was elected deputy councilor of the Espoo city council. In addition, I work as a deputy member of the Business and Competitiveness Division and as a member of the Espoo-Lohja regional advisory board of Laurea University of Applied Sciences.
In the following year's regional elections I was elected to the regional council of Western Uusimaa. In addition, I serve as the chairperson of the division of individual affairs for the term 2022-2023.
On this page, I talk about my thoughts primarily from a political perspective, but also through my own work and everyday experiences. You should also follow me on social media.
Please contact me if you have any questions or worries. Contact information can be found here.